Bracelet hôte d'accueil Profil


An active CSR policy underpinning our business activities

Profil is firmly committed to taking Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into account in all the services it provides. The agency's policy of social, environmental and societal responsibility underpins every aspect of our activities, from the design and preparation of your project and throughout our collaboration.

Hôtesses d'accueil Profil à l'Inversion Festival



Profil's employees ensure our commitments are met and apply our CSR policy in the agency’s day-to-day operations, both in our offices and in the field.
Measures implemented :

  • A partnership has been established with AGEFIPH (a French Association in charge of managing funds for the integration of disabled persons) and Thompouss (a disability-friendly recruitment consultancy) to assist in recruitments and orient our initiatives to support and improve the working conditions of employees with disabilities.
  • An initiative to recruit people on social-integration schemes in collaboration with Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) structures
  • Working with approved providers from the suitable companies for the provision of year-round services (dry cleaning services, sewing alterations, tailoring services, delivery of meal trays).
  • Support for young people through the implementation of an initiative called "Employment Tuesdays" in our agency. The aim is to help young people find their feet in the world of work, in close collaboration with local social-integration organizations.
  • The PROFIL agency supports the drive to promote gender equality within companies and their teams. With the Professional Equality Index, companies can measure where they stand. In the form of a score out of 100, the index is calculated on the basis of 4 indicators, which assess the gaps between men and women in the company.
    In 2025, for the year 2024, the PROFIL agency obtained a score of 87 points (out of 100) in the gender equality index published by the French Ministry of Labour. This score is made up of the following indicators

    pay gap indicator: 39/40
    increase rate gap indicator: 35/35
    Return from maternity leave indicator: no return from maternity or adoption leave in 2024: incalculable index
    High-pay indicator: women only: index incalculable
    Total points obtained = 74 points (out of 85)

    Final result out of 100 publishable points = 87 points (out of 100)



Measures implemented :


  • Systematic signature of risk-prevention plans to ensure the best possible safety for our employees, in close collaboration with the occupational health service.
  • Training in protective, barrier measures during the Covid pandemic.



Specializing in reception and hospitality staffing services, the Profil agency incorporates the issue of environmental protection into its service quality requirements, in order to address the challenges of the future and sustainable development, in accordance with the GL events Group's policy and its customers’ expectations.

Measures implemented :


  • Recycling office waste through our partnership with a suitable company.
  • Recycling our uniforms, in collaboration with associations.
  • Raising awareness of sustainable development among our employees (information posters in our agencies, information meetings, etc.).



Our goal is to continuously develop the skills of our staff and build cohesion in order to motivate, create positive energy, enthusiasm and desire.

Measures implemented :

  • Management techniques that promote cooperation and motivation in order to unite all our staff around a common goal: working together to provide an excellent reception or hospitality service.
  • Regular monitoring of staff well-being.
  • A works council providing numerous advantages: cinema tickets, concert tickets, etc.
  • A motivating compensation package, including a six-monthly bonus linked to quality/diligence.
  • A policy for promoting the integration of disabled workers.
  • A profit-sharing scheme.



Drawing on Profil's values in order to contribute to the local community.
Measures implemented :

  • Promoting and facilitating access to employment in the cities where we operate: Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, and Cannes.
  • A policy of purchasing via short distribution channels: Made in France
  • Ensuring our premises are easily accessible via public transport.




Implementation of a structured quality-assurance program that places the customer at the center of our operations.

Measures implemented :

Profil has the certification ISO 9001 since 2024, after seven years certified "NF Service Prestataire d'Accueil" (reception/hospitality service provider). Profil is able to underpin its commitments to customers, both in terms of quality and reliability, by ensuring : an in-depth appreciation of customer needs and provision of advice, recruitment of people with appropriate skills, training in the specifics of the profession and the customers' requirements, monitoring of services and measurement of satisfaction.


  • Since 2023, Profil achieved ISO 20121 certification for sustainable events ans is committed to :

Improving working conditions for teams by contributing to their health, safety ans well being,

Promoting skill development and professional training,

Establishing connections with local stakeholders

Beinf an inclusive company that combats descrimination, fosters diversity ans promote equal opportunities.


  • Profil is in the process of obtaining ISO 20121 certification, a progressive approach based on continuous improvement with input from the various stakeholders concerned: identifying and taking into account the expectations and requirements of employees, suppliers, participants, public authorities, customers and partners.


  • Profil is a member of the SNPA (French Union of Service Providers for Hospitality, Event and Sales-Promotion activities).